書名:The Road to Oxiana
作者:Robert Byron
看了好幾本英語的中亞/波斯遊記﹐裡面總會出現一個名字﹕Robert Byron。每個去伊朗旅歷的人必會隨身帶備Byron在1937年出版的 "The Road to Oxiana" 。今天下午休假﹐躺在 central park 的樹蔭下開始看這書﹐才翻了幾頁﹐就讀到有意思的東西了。節錄如下﹕
旅者亟亟尋求的,乃是"organic harmony between all matter and all activity, whose discovery is the purpose of their lives". 而當旅行/發現成為 "spiritual necessity, then travel must rank with the more serious forms of endeavor. Admittedly there are other ways of making the world's acquaintance. But the traveler is a slave to his senses; his grasp of a fact can only be complete when reinforced by sensory evidence; he can know the world, in fact, only when he sees, hears, and smells it."
Byron 這番見解說到我心坎裡了﹗
Labels: book, iran, persia, travel
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